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Center for Methodology, Evaluation, and Applied Statistics for University Research and Education (C-MEASURE)


Our mission is to promote and facilitate the research activities for MTSU faculty, staff, and graduate students. We focus on providing consulting services in study design and statistical analysis. We also provide consulting services to external researchers and organizations in the community.

Services include:

  • Study design for individual projects
  • Statistical analysis on individual projects
  • Dissemination support
  • Grant proposal support
  • Training workshops

Accepting submissions Fall 2024

We are excited to announce that C-MEASURE is now accepting requests. To review our current offerings and submit a request, please click here and let us know if you have any questions!

We are building C-MEASURE and are seeking additional affiliate faculty! It is our goal for affiliate faculty to have further opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, increase their visibility, and further contribute to the advancement of research at our institution. If interested, email James (Jim) Houston at

Contact Us

Director: James R. Houston, Ph.D.
o: 615-898-5641
f: 615-898-5027

Administrator: Jordan T. Gordon, B.S.
o: 615-898-5192
f: 615-898-5027